We will have the Forty Hours Eucharistic Adoration to celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. As we celebrated St. Kateri’s feast day in July at our last Forty Hours’, this time we also celebrate our church’s dedication, held on November 23, 2008, the solemnity of Christ the King that year.
Jesus orders all reality in His infinite wisdom and reigns with mercy, love, and humility. May the time spent with our Eucharistic Lord make us gain courage and strength to invite Christ to reign in our parish and in our hearts. As we did back in July,we need volunteers to sign up for an hour throughout the time period because we cannot leave the exposed Blessed Sacrament unattended. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex near the petitions book and Papal flag.You may come at any time, but we need to have someone at every hour. Thank you for those who have signed up, and even if you cannot commit to a specific time now, please plan to come to adore Jesus Christ, King of the Universe!